Mercy For Animals

Mercy For Animals

Animal Protections from Your Actions
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Because of donors and supporters like you, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the world's strongest animal protection law
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Andrew Skowron We Animals Media

Because of you and other Mercy For Animals supporters and allies, the Supreme Court has affirmed the dismissal of claims against California’s Proposition 12—one of the world’s strongest farmed animal protection laws!

With a significant hurdle to the enforcement of Prop 12 removed, we expect that animals in many states will soon have some relief and be spared a horrible life in extreme confinement.

Intensive confinement is one of the cruelest practices in the meat and egg industries. For mother pigs, it means being kept in cages throughout pregnancy that are barely larger than their bodies. For calves raised for veal, it means spending their short lives in tiny hutches. For laying hens, it means being crammed so tightly into wire cages that they can’t even spread their wings.

This accomplishment proves that with you by our side, hard work, and resilience, we can make progress.

The next crucial step in strengthening protections for animals is to help pass the Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act, which places the responsibility of beginning to solve various problems in the U.S. food system where it belongs—on corporations and agribusinesses. We are also working hard to oppose the Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression Act. If passed, it would promote suffering for many animals raised for food in the United States and reverse decades of progress for hens, pigs, and calves.

Thanks to help from you and all our supporters, we will never stop fighting for a brighter future for animals. We move closer to a kinder food system every day.

Everyone at Mercy For Animals, from staff to volunteers, investigators to board members, is incredibly grateful for you.

Mercy For Animals

Mercy for Animals works to end industrial animal agriculture by constructing a just and sustainable food system. We have conducted over 100 investigations of factory farms and slaughterhouses, moved hundreds of food companies to adopt animal welfare policies, and helped pass historic legislation to ban cages for farmed animals. Your support via the Combined Federal Campaign means we can continue to expose terrible suffering at factory farms across the country and demand change for animals.

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